Security, surveillance and licences
It is important for every user of the Port of IJmuiden to be aware of the security procedures in and around the port.
In December 2002, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) introduced the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS Code). This ISPS Code is an international standard to improve the security of sea-going vessels and port facilities. The European Parliament subsequently adopted a decree in March 2004 regulating the protection of sea-going vessels and port facilities. These international safety measures for ports have been implemented at national level in the Port Security Act, which has been in force since August 2004.
The ISPS Code is applicable to:
ships larger than 499 GT that sail in international waters;
- international passenger ships;
- mobile offshore drilling units;
- all port facilities for handling the above vessels.
The port facilities for handling ships that fall under the ISPS Code are fenced off and anyone entering or leaving the facility is registered.
The following facilities in the Port of IJmuiden meet the ISPS Code:
- Felison Terminal 1 at the Zuiderbuitenkanaal (terminal for cruise ships)
- Felison Terminal 2 in the Vissershaven (terminal for the DFDS Seaways Ferry to Newcastle)
- Felison Terminal 3 in the IJmondhaven (terminal for ferry and cruise services)
- Vissershaven – Trawlerkade/Leonarduskade
- Haringhaven – Kotterkade, Loggerkade and Westerduinweg (quay for offshore)
- IJmondhaven – Monnickendamkade and Volendamkade
These port facilities are not freely accessible. Access can be obtained via the agent of the moored ships or via the Port Authority (see registration procedure).
The various terminals of Zeehaven IJmuiden NV have an approved PFSP and a designated PFSO. Within Zeehaven IJmuiden NV, this role is performed by the Harbour Master of the Port Authority. He is the person to contact for all questions about the ISPS code and the access to and security of the above-mentioned port facilities.
Businesses operating in the port must have all necessary licences from the various public authorities.
Information about planning permission and the required licences is available from:
Gemeente Velsen
Dudokplein 1
Postbus 465
1970 AL IJmuiden
Tel. +31 (0)255 567200
E-mail: info@velsen.nl
Internet: www.velsen.nl
CNB (Central Nautical Management) provides public nautical services on behalf of Zeehaven IJmuiden N.V. CNB is the point of contact for all handling of shipping traffic in the region and all operational port management matters arising from the Regional Port Regulations for the Noordzeekanaalgebied.
Acting on behalf of the municipalities of Amsterdam, Beverwijk, Velsen and Zaanstad, CNB is available 24/7 to process all applications for licences and exemptions pursuant to the Regional Port Regulations for the Noordzeekanaalgebied. In addition, CNB is the central point for reporting all operational notifications required under these Regulations. The nautical sector of the Port of Amsterdam is responsible for the implementation.
Further information can be found at www.portofamsterdam.com/en/shipping/seashipping/central-nautical-management or by calling the Port of Amsterdam, Environmental & Security Supervision on +31 (0)20 6221515.