Environmental waste
The delivery of ship-generated waste in the Noordzeekanaalgebied is subject to the regulations set out in the HAP (Port Waste Plan).
The HAP describes the organisation, processes, notifications, port reception facilities and waste fees in the Noordzeekanaalgebied. Each ship entering the Port of IJmuiden pays a waste fee. This fee is mandatory and must be paid whether the ship uses the waste reception facilities or not. After paying the fee, the ship receives a waste disposal allowance for disposing of certain types of ship-generated waste.
Fishing vessels fall outside the scope of HAP. A separate arrangement called VISHAP applies to the fisheries sector.
The disposal of waste is described for all fishing vessels in VISHAP, a separate plan covering both smaller (e.g. cutters) and larger (e.g. trawlers) fishing vessels.
For more information, contact the Port Authority on +31 (0)255 547025
For more information about different waste streams: visserijvooreenschonezee.nl